The biggest question you may be asking yourself if you just had a break up is, "Can I get my ex boyfriend back?"  Both relationships and breakups vary from couple to couple so there are no one size fits all answer.  However, there are things you can do that will help get him back. 

Be nice.   

Being nice may seem obvious.  Sadly nagging is a popular method people have for trying to get what they want.  However, it doesn’t work that way.  By nagging and being unpleasant your ex boyfriend will only be reminded of why the breakup was necessary.  He’ll want to see you less often if each time he sees you he is irritated or uncomfortable. 

Since your goal is to get back together with your ex boyfriend you want to avoid driving him away further.  Be as genuinely pleasant as possible with him.  He’ll pick up if you are faking being nice.   

The problems you had prior to your breakup will seem less important if you can be pleasant with him now. You may even wonder why you weren’t nicer before when you were together.   

Are you wondering, can I get my ex boyfriend back by acting differently or pretending to be a certain way?  If you are what you really should ask yourself is why you would want to be with someone who you can’t be yourself with.  Instead of trying to get your ex boyfriend back you should concentrate on finding a different boyfriend altogether. 

Can I get my ex boyfriend back if he has a girlfriend? 

If he is in a relationship you have a lot to overcome if you want your ex boyfriend back.  For starters it will be tough to get him alone.  And frankly he will not see you as a priority because you are his past.  His new relationship is what he is now focusing on as it is his now.   It is even more important now to be nice and pleasant.  And this includes not bashing his new girlfriend.  Doing so will only make you seem petty and immature.  Instead you want him to notice how great you are and make him regret you aren’t his girlfriend anymore.  

Can I get my ex boyfriend back by trickery? 

Well, it could happen.  But if he ever finds out your deception, even if it seemed harmless, he will lose his trust in you and break up with you again.  This time there will be no more chances.  Trickery is best forgotten about as it bound to backfire on you. 

Can I get my ex boyfriend back by making him jealous? 

Using jealousy can also backfire on you.  Instead of rushing back to your arms, his ego could take a hit because he thinks you’ve fully rejected him by moving on.  On the other hand, seeing you with another guy could stir his competitive spirit and make him want to win you back.  If you start dating do so because it makes you happy not to make your ex boyfriend jealous. 

Besides if you date others to get back at your ex or to make him jealous you’re being unfair and dishonest with your dates.  No one likes to feel manipulated or used.  Instead be honest with yourself and others and you have a much better chance of getting back together with your ex boyfriend.

For the best guide on how to get your ex boyfriend back quickly check out The Magic of Making Up.